I'm nervous about Rainbow Six: Siege / by Alice Hawke

I have some very fond memories of some Rainbow Six games, as I do with Star Wars: Battlefront II, and as is natural with any reboot/revival/return, there's an element of fear.

E3 is happening at the moment, and one of the various videos Ubisoft unveiled was gameplay footage of Rainbow Six: Siege:

I was in awe for four minutes and thirty seconds of the video, constantly thinking "finally, the 'realistic' combat game I've always yearned for is being made", until it occurred to me - don't hate the games, hate the players.

If you happen to have ten people playing Siege in the manner demonstrated in the video, then fine, it will be the amazing game it has the potential to be. If, however, you have ten stereotypical FPS pros playing it, there will be a bodycount of nine, perhaps ten, within the first thirty seconds of the rescue team explosively breaching through a garage. I suppose there is a balance somewhere, as if the majority of people playing want to play it realistically, measured, and slowly, then the trigger-happy FPS pros will be out for the count just as soon as if they were playing against other FPS pros. Or, all the people creeping around bannisters to get a better look will be executed by somebody sprinting and jumping all over the house.

In all honesty, I don't know how it'll turn out, as all I've seen is the video above. I can only hope it's everything it looks to be.