Promo Video Storyboard / by Alice Hawke

Ideally, the video would progress as below:

To more effectively explain it, I've transcribed it:

Starts with darkness and blurred, pans up from base of immerse booth, focus becoming sharper and light coming from darkness to natural level - rests fully in focus etc. on the “immerse” logo on the front, centered. Holds the shot for a few seconds (perhaps camera swaying slightly).

Sharp cut to black briefly, then instant (no fade) brief montage of busy people anonymously walking about in an office type room (audio is really busy chatter - continues until stated). One person is constant throughout the montage of angles, with them being the only person to visibly have an identity (the only face we can see). They’re evidently stressed, looking tense and running worry beads through their fingers. (chatter fades to a point, but is still audible) The subject notices someone exit the immerse booth looking refreshed. A look of wonder comes across the subject’s face, some simple melodic music is briefly heard to help convey the emotion.

They stand, and walk over to the booth. They notice the coin slot (as does the camera), put 10p in, and slowly draw back the curtain. In time with the curtain being drawn back from left to right, camera moves from left to right as well in a curve, to show the inside of the booth being revealed. Camera rests on the seat, and subject sits.

Camera now at the back of the booth inside at floor level, so seat is now on left, projection screen is on the right - we see the curtain close (NOW busy external noise completely cuts out when curtain is closed).

Several interior shots with smooth transitions between the angles (lasting the entire duration of the 10p experience in realtime if possible), immersing the viewer of the video in the experience almost as much as the subject is. When the 10p cycle ends, the projection etc. fades out to signify end of experience.

Outside shot of curtain opening, subject steps out, walks back to their desk with a tranquil expression, cut to head height shot of subject sitting and getting back to work, camera pans down from their head and focusses on the now abandoned worry beads on their desk (signifying that immerse was calming enough for them to not require them now), fade to black.

Unfortunately, the term just reached a close, so rather than a busy location on campus for us to shoot a video with a narrative during the next three weeks, we've got a ghost town... c'est la vie. Instead, we'll likely end up with just focus on the booth.