With most information online being freely accessible, creating a cheap desirable digital commodity is a challenge. From the very start of brainstorming, all the ideas our group had focussed around giving the user a digital experience, rather than a digital product, as people are much more willing to pay for something exclusive and of-the-moment. After eliminating ideas such as seeing through the eyes of an animal, we all settled on the meditative escape pod, not least because it was what we all thought we'd personally use the most as a vending machine if it existed.
Unfortunately, feasibility became an inhibitor early on, with the entire scale of the machine fluctuating. From photo booth sized enormity to Cuban phone hood convenience, we want to allow the user to feel comfortable enough to relax in an otherwise public space.
The functionality of the product however has remained fairly constant, such as colored lighting and speakers for breathing exercises. Hopefully, it all comes together.